Celebrating our EcoVadis Gold Sustainability Rating

Pelta Medical Papers is proud to announce that we have earned a prestigious Gold Medal from EcoVadis, placing us in the top 5% of companies assessed over the past year. This esteemed recognition highlights the excellence of our sustainability management system and underscores our unwavering commitment to promoting transparency and responsibility throughout our value chain.

Steven Blacow, CEO, stated:

“This Gold Medal is a testament to our company's dedication to social and environmental responsibility. Every employee should take pride in the significant role they have played in achieving this milestone. This award serves as a strong foundation for our continued improvements in sustainability.”

David Matthias, Sustainability Manager, added:

“Building on our Silver Medal in 2023, we have been rigorously aligning our business policies with the UN Global Compact guidelines. We have started to develop and report key performance indicators that align our activities with the Sustainable Development Goals. Another major advancement has been setting a near-term carbon reduction target through the Science-Based Targets Initiative.”

We are committed to further enhancing our sustainability efforts and driving positive change in our industry. Thank you to all our employees and stakeholders for their continued support and dedication.

To learn more about our commitment to sustainability, you can visit the EcoVadis Recognition page here.